Sealed Systems

Sealed concrete is an economical solution that allows you to protect your concrete slab without all of the steps required in polishing.  The level of finish will depend on the condition of the concrete as well as the customers expectations. A seal is created by densifying the concrete, which hardens and dust proofs the concrete surface by creating a chemical reaction with the free lyme in the concrete.

Levels of Sealed Concrete, as Northeast Flooring Solutions installs them:

Level One Sealed Concrete
One diamond cut, install Consolideck Blended Densifier, High Speed Burnish using 800 grit diamond pad
Level Two Sealed Concrete
One diamond cut and one resin cut, install Consolideck Blended Densifier, High speed burnish LS Guard using Gorilla Heat Pad
Level Three Sealed Concrete
One diamond cut, install Consolideck Blended Densifier, install LS Guard Sealer, High speed burnish LS Guard using Gorilla Heat Pad
Level Four Sealed Concrete
One Diamond Cut and One Resin Cut, install Consolideck Blended Densifier, install LS Guard Sealer, High speed burnish LS Guard using Gorilla Heat Pad